The interesting fact is though that in most cases my fear was the only real challenge and turned out to be quite unfounded. Fear is natural and in some cases necessary for self preservation. To fear therefore is human. How one handles fear is what is important. If not faced, fear could actually create problems and hold you back. Unbridled fear stifles creativity, makes you panic which often prevents critical thinking. Unbridled fear simply paralyses.
When I have confronted my fears and chosen to act despite them I have proven over and over that:
- The "problem" really was not as huge as I had thought
- I was quite capable of handling whatever I was dreading
- It is quite o.k. to be afraid, greater men have been afraid. But it does not end there. I must act despite the fear. It requires courage to rise above fear and to act
- Once I decide to act, I find the means to overcome and to succeed
- A little encouragement from people whom you trust and who believe in you really helps
For example In my work at Growth Facilitators I was introduced to group facilitation as a profession in which one develops and utilizes facilitation skills, tools and techniques to effectively enable group work and decision making. Although I was trained by capable professional facilitators and understudied them, when the time came for me to certify as a professional facilitator I actually put it off for a full year because I was afraid. I did not think I was ready or that I could do it. I was just petrified.
I was all set to defer it for another year but my co-workers would have none of it. They reminded me of my accomplishments and capabilities and encouraged me to step up to the challenge. Sooooo last year I took the plunge. Was I afraid? YES! But I did it and I am now an internationally certified Facilitator.
Naturally, I still am challenged daily with being fearful, but as I journey through life and continue to learn to overcome fear, I encourage you to join me as I encourage myself and you to:
- Stop looking for the problems........ seek out the opportunities and see the glass as half full and not half empty
- Believe in yourself - you either have the capability or can get it
- Don't be too hard on yourself. Accept your fear. If you succumb to it, forgive yourself. Be hopeful and remember that "God's mercies never come to an end but are new every morning". Move right on to your next challenge.
- Surround yourself with people whom you trust and who believe in you
- Do what you have to do - ACT!!!
God's richest blessings
You hit the nail right on the head! So often when we are facilitating our clients, it is clear that what's holding them back is not what's happening in the exernal environment but their own reaction to the changes. And those reactions, when negative, are fear based. Facing our fears is the key to breakthrough performance - personally and organizationally.
Thanks for this very insightful post! Keep blogging (now that you have overcome your fear of blogging!)
Your post is so beautiful and so relevant. Especially in
these challenging times, fear is everywhere - fear to
live, fear to make requests and fear to give.
I have benefitted greatly from this post and I thank you
for facing your fear of blogging, giving us all an
opportunity to be touched even more deeply, by the
extraordinary woman you are.
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