Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fun at work

The Growth Facilitators team takes our core value of “fun” very, very seriously. Our office is painted in all colours of the rainbow, and you will always hear laughter sprinkled throughout our day. Jokes abound, funny stories proliferate, cartoons, photos that lighten our day magically appear on walls and e-mails. We laugh at ourselves easily and willingly. It is a happy place, because we all believe that FUN and WORK are not mutually exclusive.

We go further to design fun into our workshops, as we really do believe that people are more engaged, creative, productive and happier when they are having fun. Laughter and fun are intertwined - you can’t have one without the other! Laughter releases inhibitions, and we note the breakthroughs that our clients have when they are laughing.

This week, commit to having fun at work! Lighten up your workplace! And notice the effect – on others, and yourselves!

In fun and laughter


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